Thursday, June 25, 2009

You're never going PRO, get over it.

Guest author: SGM

Why is it that a certain Singlespeeder at Short Track thinks his race is more important than mine? I thought last year's behavior -- when he yelled at every woman that he was about to pass to get out of his way, to move left when there was no left, to sacrifice their cadence so that he could take their line -- was perhaps an anomaly.

Judging by his behavior on the track last nite, it seems to be the norm.

Here's some news: the next time you yell at me to move over so that you can have my line, I'm not only going to roll steady, I'm going to block your ass for as long as I can. Deliberately and deliciously. Every time. Know why? Because my race is just as important as yours, just like every other loser on that track's race is equal in importance to yours.

You're old Tim, and aggro testosterone doesn't equate to PRO, bro.
p.s. You lost.

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